Image supplied by Erika Winters

Introducing…Erika Winters Design

D'angelo Thompson
3 min readAug 12, 2020


I had the pleasure of interviewing the talented designer and entrepreneur, Erika Winters about life, travel, and design.

~ What attracted you to pursuing a career in Interior Design?

EW: As a child, I loved films with strong design elements and interior design magazines. Plus my mom had great taste and our homes were always beautiful and always felt inviting/comfortable.

For me, I always think the home is essential and the center of your life. So, why not make it beautiful and inviting.

~Your projects are impressive, what are you currently working on? What other genres of design are you expanding into?

EW: I am working with my husband Luis Herrera on a beach home in NJ, working on our new home, a property in Sherman Oaks, and a home in Joshua Tree. We are working on an extension to the Presbyterian Hospital in Santa Monica.

Also, working on a dinnerware and silverware line. In 2016, I was in Milan at an annual International Fair for Design and we took a side trip to Verona during this time. In this gorgeous small church, I saw a monk, took a photo, and at that moment I was inspired to create dinnerware. You never know where you’ll find inspiration.

Now, we are expanding into new markets dinnerware silverware, and even fashion (No King Official).

~What designers or architects are you influenced by?

EW: First of all I love Marcel Wanders from the Netherlands. And Philip Starck, Karim Rashid, and Zaha Hadid. All of these designers have their strong points of view, very inspiring, and I can relate to all of them.

~What would you want your legacy to be?

EW: I would want my legacy to be recognized as a strong and talented Mexican female designer in the world of architecture and design.

~What great lesson would you share with younger interior designers, especially women?

EW: Be true to your design, belief in yourself, eventually you will reach your goals. Don’t give up.

~What city or place in the world inspires you?

EW: I am very inspired by Italy, NYC, London, and France.

~How do you incorporate your passion for travel into your projects?

EW: Our projects make my travel possible, my husband and I make it fun. We take photos for inspiration and experience the cultures, fully.

Thank you for sharing.

Image supplied by Erika Winters
Image supplied by Erika Winters

